Please, someone tell Janet not to hook up with that asymmetrical faced get-yo-teeth-fixed midget of a troll. I know he's your man and all, but musically you do NOT suit. You do NOT bring the best out of your lady and unless you don't back away, she will bow out ungracefully for not living up to the high standards that we know Janet is capable of. She's legendary unlike Beyonce who is in deed a generic type of artist.
Fuck a petition though. Ever since that Beyonce petition for that wack Deja Vu video, folks have been creating petitions left and right, sort of like a publicity competition to see which petition can generate the most publicised response from the media. Well, I know the very person who started the first Beyonce petition and they've been approached by the BBC for an interview which is like one of the biggest multi-media corporations in the world. Besides, I don't think a petition will do anything anyway. They never do, because artists and record labels are too proud to step down to the fans and acknowledge the suggestions of those who know best.
Janet needs intervention. Janet may be notorious for musically working with her beau's but at least her ex-husband Rene Elizondo provided that heat. JD did a wonderful job with Mariah's Emancipation of Mimi CD as was the case 11 years ago when he did the damn thang with her Daydreamin' album as well. They work extremely well together and bring out gratifying results. Unfortunately, that same magic is not being submitted to Janet. Then they want to berate people for downloading albums illegally. Well, sorry I will continue to download albums illegally and I will continue to distribute them just so that folks won't waste their money on crap. The only time this will stop is when you start putting out quality music.
Call On Me is not a bad song. It's just a bit boring and really not a grabber for comeback explosion either. The sad thing about it is that I bet there are other songs on her new album 20 Y.O that sound way better than the two tracks we've heard so far as is the case with Beyonce's B'Day. The only person who seemed to have came hard was Christina Aguilera who had a fantastic album. Back II Basics is a knockout, not to mention that I hear she has changed her 2nd single choice to Hurt and no longer Candyman. She must've read my blog a couple of weeks ago when I stated that she needs to release Hurt as the 2nd single because it is basically what Beautiful was to her Stripped era. And with that said, I'll go back to enjoying her CD. *finishes my cup of Tetley tea and logs off*
The X-Factor was fucking brilliant last night. Paula Abdul was a guest judge. Simon Cowell set that one up most definetely! So much for them not liking each other. Once again X-Factor fever has gripped the nation.
Hey Toya,
I don't know but this song is really good. Exciting and fresh. You know people love different musical tastes. I think this should pan very well at radio (here in the US at least). One thing I have noticed is that a lot of artists do differently in the US v/s overseas. They release many singles there that they don't release here. Most of the people in the ATL that called in gave her a 5/5 for the song. I do enjoy your blog very much, just wondering do you see where I'm coming from. Would love to here your thoughts.
Hey T.,
I love the freakin song, I have been jammin to it all night. Maybe all music does not have to inspire and evoke deep creativity, just have a good time with it. Nelly Furtado's song is not that innovative or brilliant but it has a hot beat that you can dance to and people are flockin the hell out of it. Just take it for what it is, a dance track.
I look at you guys' blogs and just laugh. I only come to see what new music you guys post. I read your half-baked feebled attempts to post album and fashion reviews. If it was that serious you guys would be writing for Cosmo, Elle, Vibe or even S2S, but you're not. It is so easy to criticize someone else's work. Let's just hope your work (as a writer) never comes under this much unfair scrutiny. You all are not the best at what you do either. Yes this is your blog, but you are not Mimi Valdes, L.A. Reid or Tommy Mottola, you all don't know s*%t about music professionally and only know what you like. Half the time you all just like what's left field for the purpose of not being on the bandwagon. Get a music appreciation degree and a real writing degree and then apply to some magazine where you can post real reviews. And also, post some pics of yourself at events and show us your style and fashion sense. Let others judge you!!!
We should be happy , what does artist are putting out. If you don’t like the songs, video etc.. then just don’t listen to it! It doesn’t always have to be a certain way.. or what people expect them to do.. and that’s what beyonce is doing.. thinking out of the box!
Just respect each other
I might have to partially agree with Elliene but Im not going to dis your craft at all, I love your blog and updates but compared to acts such as Cassie, Rihanna, with so-so voices, Beyonce and Janet are wonderful. Im just getting tired of the negativity so soon and none of their albums even released yet.
once again i copuld start crying cause Aaliyah's dead. she would have rescued r'n'b i know. she had a personalty, something beyonce and janet do not have.... dont need to talk about those rihannacassie chicks...
janet new sound is boring so far, beyonces style is really crazy - but not in a good way. but i dont like christina either. bad year for music, really bad.
As a black female in America, I respect both Bee and J for doing the music thing in one of the most fabulous ways we will ever see. We are looked at lastly in the grand scheme of things. I enjoy their music and videos and think they both are GREAT!!! I will continue to support them and whatever moves they make that I don't like, are not mine. At the end of the day it is their careers and I will be a fan of both.
Let's start by saying music will never be as original as it used to be. Xtina is not doing anything new b/c the jazz inspired thing has been done by many. She is just popular by with the TRL gang. Janet has been around for 20yrs and she does not have it like she used to. Beyonce is trying too hard to do something innovative like CIL. I do think that these are three of the best that are around. They are not going to be able to please everyone so they shouldn't even try. What I like is not what a lot of other people like. The reason their music seems so criticized now is b/c other popularity of blogs and other non-professional sites (no diss to blogging at all). So where are we at? Some people love Candyman (myself) and others don't. Some love Ring The Alarm (myself) and others don't. Some love So Excited (myself) and others don't. We are where we should be, in a world with different likes and dislikes, many types of tastes and a plethera of choices. Thank God their is something for everyone.
People just chill out and listen to what you like and change the staion on what you don't, it's not that serious!!!
P.S. Elliene was a little too harsh but I have to say she had some very valid points!!
Well, I personally think that Beyonce's new album is garbage no matter how you look at it.
But, I agree with Toya. For "comeback" albums, Janet's new CD is not making waves like it should. I like Call On Me, and I like her new single. But none of her new stuff is hitting me like I know she's capable of. I mean, honestly, with the way things are going she'll be lucky if this album does any better than Damita Jo (Though I LOVE that album). Janet's hitting hard, just not hard enough (Call On Me should have NEVER been the first single. Slow Jams should NEVER be the first single in the summer. It's about club bangers this time of year).
Want my theory? I think Mariah Carey killed the art of the comeback. Not in a bad way, but well...when Emancipation of Mimi did so well, suddenly everyone thought that the comeback was the new IT thing (which is why we see so many vets coming out with albums this year). What people fail to realize is, when Mariah Carey came back, that bitch CAME BACK. She changed her sound, her image, and put out an AMAZING album. That was a true comeback.
These artists, including Janet, are not changing or evolving. They're just putting out the music that they're used to and thinking it'll have Mimi's success. Now they're all finding out how wrong they are. It's just really sad in Janet's case, because she's KNOWN to change her style constantly, and now at a time when people want her to, she's not.
i think we all like talking about celebs because they live a life most of us will never come close to living. These artist will always have a fan base so bringing us aboard is not really a case in point. Madonna put out a horrible album last year and it went to no.1 with less than 350,00 sold the first week. She is still around kicking. Christina's album is so not good at all!!! A lot of those songs sound the exact same. I hated ANOM. It was just a mess, w/the horns and hard bass and her over the top vocals and not needed MAriah wannabe notes. She is not that great of an artist and B2B was not that good. See how we have a difference of opinion and no harm done.
Love ya much
I also want to add that Christina just thrives off making people believe she loves black music and whenever you see her she talks about Madonna and other artists that are not what she says influences her. She and Justin T. live off of that trying to be down image and show no signs of it being authentic. Sorry but that's how it is
I agree wid ya Toya. 100%.
It seems that the quality of albums get worse and worse and it's usually these albums that go multi platinum, whilst the brilliant ones don't.
Some people guage how good an album is by how many copies it sells and popular the act is as opposed to what it REALLY should be about, which is the music itself.
I personally think that of all the leaked albums of the past couple of weeks, Kelis is my fave - even more so than "Back to basics". And I can see her album being better than "FutureRubbish/SexRubbish" and "B'Rubbish".
As for Janet, she needs somebody who's gonna step up to her and just say "Look. Your music is whack! I'm gonna put you in the studio with THIS producer and THAT producer". That's what happened to Mariah (along with a couple of shit albums and a breakdown).
Janet needs to go in the studio with Rich Harrison and Darkchild - I think these guys have a sound that'd really suit her. Jam & Lewis keep giving her the SAME shit OVER and OVER! They either need to let Janet grow as an artist and let other producers work with her solely or update their damn shit.
Janetg has shunned black folks for years now she has no choice but to make music for us and the shit sucks. I hope she does well but with out the suport of mtv its going to be an up hill batte
I remember last year, your blog was so insightful. I think you are under a lot of pressure to write such detailed and deep blog entries that your choice of words get misconstrued. I liked it when you said what you felt without all the negativity. I think your blog is great but going through popularity syndrome, when you have something you are good at and it get so much notariaty that you feel you have to outsue yourself. I hope you understand where I'm coming from and not think this is an attack because I've seen how you fight back, lol. I'm just ssaying your blog was so much better a couple of months ago when your entries seemed pure and wholehearted and not so contrived and dismissive. You didn't like everything but you had a way of saying it with tact, alot better than 80% of these other bloggers. Hope to hear from you soon. Still think you have agreat blog though.
LOL!!! So true!!! They are half baked at the most!!!! Christina really did a great job...Hurt would be the perfect single!!! Go X-Tina!!! love B and J though...
jeezz people leave such ignorant comments sometimes, i be one to just delete those damn comments lol, but its all good. i hate the new janet song, i think its hot in its own way, but not mine lol. and im not feelin it. beyonce = trash.
i like the janet songs and i don't like what bee has put out . bee can do so much better . it's all a matter of taste . toya, i don't agree with a lot of what you have said , but it's your opinion and you have every right ro express it . the key word is respect people . you may not like what she has said , but you still owe her respect .
I have Xtina's album and I only like about 3 songs off each disc. THAT IS NOT GOOD. Yes, she is so called "going back to basics" but I feel like I've heard it all b4. I personally love Beyonce's B'Day era.. It's STILL THE SAME OL BEYONCE, just a different side of her. She's always been sassy and intense, just not in an angry sort of way. People need to stop dismissing her from 2 songs.
Janet has always been a "whispering" singer that gets by off IMAGE (hot beats, nice body, dance moves).. Let me hear a song where Janet shoes some vocal prowess.. I don't mean belting! I mean take CONTROL of a song! I'm still waiting...
Anyway, Toya u are allowed to have your own opinion and these people should stop hating on you! This is your blog! lol
I respect everyone's opinions even if many of you disagree and I can say a lot of valid points have been made. Yes, I understand that Beyonce and Janet are two black women doing their thang. All I'm saying is that I'm not impressed with their latest offerings.
As for the comment about me needing to get a "writers degree" and to put myself in a more professional medium, well, I HAVE been approached to write for Vibe magazine believe it or not.
Secondly, I don't need to get myself a writers defree. I got a top grade in my GCSE English at school and then, when I attended college I successfully completed my NVQ in Media & Communication which is just as good as a writers degree seeing as though a lot of it covered journalism and in which enabled me to write scripts for the college radio as well as writing articles for the college magazine.
I have been approached by quite a few e-zines believe it or not. I don't currently have a professional career as a writer but if I really wanted one believe me I'd have one. But this blog, I use it as a great way to vent and it's a brilliant tactic for freedom of Speech. Um, you should try it. You might enjoy it.
Needing to add that I've ALWAYS supported Janet and Beyonce. I have brought ALL of Janet's albums including that crappy ALL FOR YOU and I also brought Beyonce's DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE so in no way am I a hater of these artists.
Tangi, I guess I'm put under a lot of pressure to make my site more nteresting with my rants simply because I no longer put up full albums and I know that this was the very reason that attracted many of my visitors to my site. I feel that without it, my blog is missing something, but I'll try to be more tactful in the future, with less negativity!
Lastly, just because I croticise an artist doesn't mean I'm not a fan. It's called constructive criticism.
I think some people need to take a check on what a blog is. If Toya wants to "rant" let her do it! It's her damn blog! *lol* I for one enjoy reading her blocks of text, because she raises valid points and she put forward her own opinions and I enjoy checking out other people's opinions, even if they differ from my own.
If your opinions don't coincide with Toya's that's fine. That's what's cool about blogs and forums. People can sway one another's opinions and get their own across. If you don't disagree with someone else's comment, that's fine. But don't be posting nasty and hating on bloggers.
*Tut-tut-tut* People. *lol*
people just need to learn how to respect other's opinions. we aren't always gonna agree on everything . in my earlier post i made it known that i didn't agree with some of what toya said( hell i don't agree with alot of stuff that she says ) , but i didn't do it in an ignorant and disrespectful manner . you don't have to act that way to get your point across. that's actually what makes other people not wanna hear what you have to say . she's not saying this stuff to hurt anyone's feelings. she's just speaking on how she feels and she has every right to do so . you always got the option to go somewhere else. toya keep ya head up and continue to do you .
Thank you. Geeeeze.
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