My Love - Justin Timberlake feat T.I [Download: radio rip]
This song is fiyah!
Much better than that poppy retro crap SexyBack. Some people say that TI is the only reason why this song is hot but I disagree whole heartedly. The beat is what makes the song hot, not TI's rap. The song still would've been hot without TI's rap. Justin can easily carry off this song on his own, in my opinion.
Ever since I heard this track on You Tube, I was mesmerised because the beat is just really addictive! I am very happy that this is going to be the second single. Everyone is coming with strong second singles, except for Christina's "Candyman" ass. What the hell is she thinking?! Worst song on the album! In fact, this is the only song on Back II Basics that I hate with a burning passion and she had to release this.
Much better than that poppy retro crap SexyBack. Some people say that TI is the only reason why this song is hot but I disagree whole heartedly. The beat is what makes the song hot, not TI's rap. The song still would've been hot without TI's rap. Justin can easily carry off this song on his own, in my opinion.
Ever since I heard this track on You Tube, I was mesmerised because the beat is just really addictive! I am very happy that this is going to be the second single. Everyone is coming with strong second singles, except for Christina's "Candyman" ass. What the hell is she thinking?! Worst song on the album! In fact, this is the only song on Back II Basics that I hate with a burning passion and she had to release this.
Candyman is fuckin' crazy! I love this song, it's s'possed to be oldschool. I love it! :P Glad you came back Toya!
Thank you!
I love Sexyback, but wtf did they change the music to the original song? I don't know....but anyway, this song is cool, but I liked it more than he sang it live
I love "SexyBack" for the beat more than anything. Justin sounded alot different on it which I liked alot, 'cos his high pitched singing jars me. HE jars me! *lol*
"My love" has a SICK beat, but I'm not too keen on the giggling noises on the chorus. Justin goes RIGHT back to the same ol' high pitched style of singing which I can't stand.
Also...the picture in this post. Beyonce looks like she don't wanna be there. She's lookin at Justin like "What's this fool doin' here!?"
I don't mind Justin singing in falsetto, but not a whole damn song! I don't know....this might be a flop? It doesn't help with him bashing other artists and his talks of drug use.
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