Saturday, November 10, 2007


I want to apologise for the site loading slow (and freezing computers *lol*). I tried everything and nothing has seemed to work. Thank goodness I'll be going on my extended break in two weeks, because I'm at that stage when I'm about to make some life-changing decisions and I have to make that a priority. So then, neither of you will have to dread coming to the site. When I do get back in the first quarter of 2008, the upgrade will take place. I am coming off blogger completely and starting from scratch. I have great things lined up for the site. The wait will be quite long but worthwhile. So for the next two weeks, ya'll just going to have to tolerate it *haha!*

Maybe I'll bring in some contributors because running a popular blog regularly is a lot of hard work and sometimes I tend to slack with the updates because of it. Well, I'm listening to Craig David's retail album Trust Me right now so the review will be up shortly. Sadly, this is going to be the last album review I end up writing for 2007 *weep* I really enjoy writing those reviews. But like I say, it's only temporarily. Anyway, the 2007 Out 100 Awards went down in New York City at Cipriani Wall Street last night. A bevy of R&B diva's hit up the ceremony from the likes of Mya, Jennifer Hudson, Kat DeLuna and Kelly Rowland (below):

Kelly looked amazing. Her weave game was ON POINT. The fire dress is a bit loud for my tastes but I liked the overall style. Check out the rest after the cut.

Mya was there too:

.... with a shelved album and nothing much to promote these days, Mya stays hitting up those spots.

Jennifer Hudson graced the show:

I hate that wig. I just haaaate it. Why can't she just get a straight and sleek sophisticated do like everyone else? It looks so wiggy, not even convincing like it will fall off any minute.

And Kat DeLuna nurtured the place with her presence:

I like her dress, but why does her face always look so constipated? *lol* Keep it locked.

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