Monday, August 27, 2007


R&B producer Polow Da Don is about to cause havoc with his controversial statements regarding why he prefers white women over black women. Check out this disturbing extract from a recent interview he did with ALL HIP HOP:

Polow Da Don: Just the "King of the White Girls." I ain't self proclaimed but I run with it. [Laughs] There was a stage in my life where I went crazy with dating white women. I have nothing against black women, but they're raised differently. White women are raised to respect and serve their men. Black women are taught to question [their men]. Black women look at submission as being weak. White women look at submission as being a woman. And anyone who has a problem with this statement is ignorant. Just look at the divine order; it goes man, woman, child.

I could write a book-long essay on this statement but I'll keep it short and sweet. Not only is he disrespecting black women but he dissing his mama seeing as though his mama is black. And I know plenty of non-submissive white women who will shoot his comments to the ground. In other words, he is saying white women are easy, and I wouldn't want to be seen as easy. Furthermore, there are also non-submissive white women out there too as well as excessively-submissive black women. Do you know the amount of black women out there who put up with tonnes of shit from their black men? My mama stayed with a man for 10 years, a man who use to beat the shit out of her and ill-treat her in front of people, and he was living in her house for free, not pay rent (or at least help out with the bills) and she'd cook and wash his clothes for him and he beat her senseless and she put up with that for 10 years. Well, at least black women don't have to put up with a narrow-minded loser. And to say I use to enjoy his production. I don't see anything wrong with a woman not being submissive enough. To me, that shows her strength in my opinion. And ANY black man who is afraid of a strong black woman shows he is weak and NOT deserving of her anyway. I remember when Bobby Valentino said the same thing a while back. I'd have had more respect for them if they said that they preferred white women instead of beating round the bush and going out of their way to generalise and attack black women in the process.

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