Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It seems Spice Girl Mel B has a lot of pent-up anger regarding Eddie Murphy, the father of her 3-month old daughter Angel Iris. In an an interview that she did with Essence, she pretty much confirmed the filthy downlow-stricken life that Eddie has been rumoured to be living all these years. Here is a damaging statement from Mel herself: "There were certain things that went on in his house with his lifestyle that I wasn't prepared to be a part of," she says on "I have a baby with this guy, so I have to be somewhat respectful. I'll simply say that there were lifestyle changes that he would have to make if we were going to live together. … I don't have people knocking on my door at 3 and 4 in the morning."

Why doesn't she just get it out of her system and write a damn book? I know I would. The chick is obviously itching to spill. Why protect his nauseous yellow-itty-bitty-in-need-of-a-dentist-having-ass teethed bastard? It's the perfect revenge for a man who refuses to have anything to do with his newborn child. Mel has already written her autobiography Catch A Fire (which I bought from Waterstones a couple of years ago and it was a brilliant read) and she should write a second autobiography like her Spice pals Geri Halliwell and Victoria Beckham. HELL, it also says a lot about Tracey Edmonds and what type of woman she is because I would NEVER put myself with a man who would do that to his child. And his mama is just as bad. Anyway, click here to read the full interview in its entirety.

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