Monday, July 16, 2007


Over the weekend, Beyonce was spotted promoting the work of Houston's Food Bank, which serves several thousand people a week. Before Saturday's concert even took place, donations were taken and Beyonce went onto answering questions from the media:

Her new scheme for her fans involved donating food for the hungry, and win a chance to meet her. During the event, Beyonce collaborated with her friend Pastor Rudy Rasmus, a minister in her native Houston in Texas, to launch a food drive before her concert at the Toyota Centre in her hometown on Saturday. She says: "Hunger affects every community in the United States, so I'm using my tour and Survivor Foundation to bring attention to domestic hunger," she continues: "I'm joining forces with Pastor Rudy and America's Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network to fight hunger," Lastly, she adds: "Reaching out and touching lives is incredibly empowering. That's why I want my fans to experience more than my music this summer. I want them to experience the joy of making a difference by helping someone else,". Good to see Beyonce giving back to the community.

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