Wednesday, January 17, 2007


OK. Sad news. I am taking time out on my blog not just because I no longer have a comp but because there are some other issues in my life that need resolving. This blog has been a whirlwind over the past two years since it's been running. Being an R&B fantatic, I wanted to share my love for the genre with thousands of other R&B fans all over the world and I thought that starting this blog was the perfect forum to do that. Not just in posting the latest R&B scoops and music but just sharing my opinions and getting lots of feedback on what I put up. I should definetely be back in the spring. I say give me until March/April to sort myself out. Right now though, I just can't go on, but I want to thank those for appreciating all the hard work that I've put into the site and when I do come back, it will be the best music blog possible. Until then, check out all the hot blogs in my hot blog list because I'm dead certain you'll get just as much entertainment from those as well. I'm not saying goodbye. I am saying see ya'll soon, and take care.

Love Toya.

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