Saturday, October 21, 2006


The movie may as well be called Beyonce's Dream rather than Dream Girls because the whole promotion surrounding this movie is proving to be one big farce. I asked once, and I'll ask again? Where the fuck is Jennifer Hudson's INDIVIDUAL promo poster? You know the posters like Beyonce's, Eddie's and Jamie's? Hmmmm? New posters have now been released and they are all centered around Bouncy. Beyonce's character isn't even the main character and even though I'm a Beyonce fan, I'm quite upset about this, because Beyonce's acting has proven to have been little less than standard. So whoever did the role justice or whoever recieved the most praise for their role are the ones who should've recieved the most promo. I just find it all a little biased that they are using Beyonce's name to promote the movie but it won't look good when we see the movie and the hype surrounding her character doesn't live up to expectations. I am just saying, so peep these newest posters which just so happen to be more Beyonce memorabilia. You Beyonce stans will love it I'm sure.

It all begins ...

Foxxy Cleopatra part 2?

Nope. It's Deena Jones AKA Beyonce!

Beyonce shows she's the front woman as usual.

So is Beyonce deserving of all this praise and is Jennifer Hudson being blocked out because of Beyonce's star power?

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