Friday, August 04, 2006


I have two leaked tracks from the former Ashley Banks vigorously known for her role in Fresh Prince of Belair. I absolutely loved her album Kiss The Sky and still play it to this day. There are a lot of beautifully penned tracks on that album and I remember thinking, Will Smith did wonderful mentoring this artist because she has the whole package, the overall look and most importantly, she could sing which is no longer an important factor in today's music industry. So long as you look good and can do a few choreographed dance steps, then you'll be marketed to no end. Now Ms Tatiana is making a comeback and here is some new music notifying us that the chick is back (well, not quite).

Somebody Loves You - Tatyana Ali [Download: full]
This guitar laid acoustic track is not bad. I like the lyrics - very heartfelt. Not first single material by any means but the track is cool. It doesn't particularly mirror anything that she's done in the past but it's been 8 years since she explored onto the music scene with the fantastic upbeat Daydreamin'. I guess she's trying to evolve as an artist and show she can successfully make that transition by doing something different and totally unexpected.

It's Alright - Tatyana Ali [Download: full]
This song is exactly that "it's just alright". I think the beat is nice but I'm not feeling her vocal on this song at all. If this is any indication of a buzz track, then I think she has to come with something more overpowering and exciting. I don't think the song is trash or anything but it doesn't exactly scream: Tatyana is back to kick some mean ass! And with the ferocious competition that's been going on as of late (Fergie, Beyonce, Cassie, Janet, Christina, Justin, Nelly Furtado, etc), she's going to have to up her game if she doesn't want to be chewed up and spat out.

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