Tuesday, August 01, 2006


For a hot minute, I've discovered how the American Idol contestant has always remained tight-lipped about his sexuality and last year when he quit the competition, one of the rumoured reasons why he quit was because someone threatened to oust him about his sexuality. Instead of facing the prospect of a huge scandal that would rock his A.I fame, he decided to quit the show just to save face.

This throwback picture was taken at Escuelita in the mid-nineties (a popular Latino gay night-club in New York). The gay bloke who is reported to be Mario's love interest at the time is an Afro-Dominican from the Bronx and is a friend of the person who ousted Mario's sexuality. His name is Luna Ortiz. I remember stating on my blog a while back that I think Mario is gay. I guess he's not into looking at a women's gallery huh? Oh well, who cares?

The man can sing his ass off and that's all that matters to me. I've suspected him over a year ago so this news is no surprise to me at all. Now the highly controversial Tevin Campbell fiasco is what shook me up and boy did I cry myself a fucking river? Noooo, not my childhood crush, not the man I'd go all dreary about whilst listening to my I'm Ready CD and upon listening to that CD today, I am still haunted by my finding out that dude is gay and even after his ousting, he still had the nerve to sing songs from a heterosexual perspective. I still supported him and even brought his last album, a decision I've lived to regret ever since. Anyway, Mario's album drops on August 29th.

Someone's sexuality should not affect their career because who you choose to fuck has no bearing on your abilities as an artist, actor, actress, producer, writer, business entrepreneur or whatever else field you choose to pursue.

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