Saturday, August 12, 2006


Album Review, written by Toya
Leak date: 11th August 2006

What is there to say about this album? This album is pure genius and scores top marks in my book. This album tops his first CD and I didn't even think that was possible. Slow Down is a very smart Hip Hop upbeat kind of song that makes you bop your head immediately. It's different for Lyfe. Goodbye is a very emotional ballad about relationships coming to an end and has no other instrumental but the piano, which gives the song more of a personalised vibe. This is the Cry of the album, most definitely. Let's Stay Together is yet another wonderful ballad but with much more alacrity. Biggie Nigga is pretty powerful about no-life thugs, hahaha! You fella's out there need to listen to this, especially if you're living your life as a gangster and not doing shit with your life. Ghetto Superman is another song with a very inspirational message behind it. The track S.E.X is a song I've been jamming to for weeks and had it in my player one time. The message once again is very inspiring notifying you young girls out there not to give it up too soon, because you might regret it! Down There Up There, The River, Radio, Stingy, More Than A Girl and I'll Always Love You are all nice slow joints that give you a lot to think about and have you questioning situations going on in your life. I absolutely love Still Here, it tells like a story being played in your head. The rap in the middle is good also. But what I find so innovative and productive about his CD's are the little interludes before each song, introducing the themes but what we need right now is more CD's that touch upon real-life issues and not all this "I want some of that bootay" or "can I get into your drawers" type of music, LMAOOO! I think that when an artist pours their heart and soul into their music and tells all about their personal experiences, the rough with the smooth, it really makes for a brilliant album.

Rating: 5/5


Toya said...

Link will be up for LIMITED time only:

Anonymous said...

Love your site! Thanks so much, I am a true fan of his and can't wait until the cd drops!

Anonymous said...

I must tell you that Lyfe is an AMAZING artist...Too bad we have artist that sing about jack squat that will sell more albums then he will!!

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