Sunday, October 02, 2022

Beyoncé ditches ❝Church Girl❞ and only ❝Cuff It❞ will now impact rhythmic radio...

Beyoncé's 'Cuff It' is blowing up everywhere and she’s not even doing anything about it. Talk about a self sabotage. 

I hear that song on the radio every morning over breakfast. It's like a radio plague. There is just no getting away from it. The song has also gone viral in the States. It actually gets more plays than 'Break My Soul,' and even when 'Break My Soul' was first released, radio stations automatically jumped on 'Cuff It.' This is why fans were left baffled when it was announced that 'Church Girl' would be the next single sent to US Urban/Rhythmic Radio stations alongside 'Cuff It' on October 4th. Not any more. 'Church Girl' has been ditched entirely and only the funktastic 'Cuff It' will still be impacting US Radios on that date, making it the only next official single from 'Renaissance.' Can we get some visuals at least? We're really not seeing Beyoncé in any mood ❝to f*ck something up❞ right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven’t heard “Cuff It” once on Radio 1. That’s the only station I listen to though. I got bored of the album pretty quickly tbh.

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